Monday, April 17, 2017


Namaste! Last week we visited India. We added information to our passports about the taj mahal, the golden temple, and other landmarks. We talked about the various religions and learned about the Hindu trinity: Brahma, Shiva, and Vishnu. We made mango lassi and drank it while we watched a musical clip from Bollywood. Then we read an amazing book called "A Taste of Freedom" about Mahatma Gandhi and his salt march. I didn't have time to read the other book I brought called "Grandfather Gandhi" so if you're interested, grab it next time you're at the library. It is wonderful! Finally, we made mandalas with various grains and some pretty stones, shells, and beads.

This week: Brazil!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

South Korea

Annyong haseyo! Just before spring break, we visited South Korea. Teacher Beth lived there for several years so she had some great pictures and first-hand experiences to share with us. She also brought a TON of amazing food to try: spicy ramen (which we attempted to eat with chopsticks), rice rolls, chocolate cakes, candies... Sorry if we sent your kids home stuffed! :)

We learned about religion in Korea, and the role of Confucianism (though not a religion per se) on strong family ties. We talked about holidays like Lunar New Year and Children's Day (again sorry if they are expecting your family to observe this now! ;)).

Back to school tomorrow and we will be traveling to India!