Saturday, September 20, 2014

Week 2- India

नमस्ते namaste

This is hello in Hindi. While India doesn't have a national language, Hindi is the most spoken. We were lucky to have shared the neat souvenirs Teacher Isabelle got while on her visit this past summer to India. The girls in class got to dress in a popular garnet known as a sari and the boys learned that the males wore very similar clothes as they did. 

Two very important people came from India, Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa. And there was also this prince who built an amazing structure for his wife that he loved so very much. The sad part is he built it for her as a Tomb as she passed away and he wished everyone would remember her. He had it built out of marble and amazing stone work. This monument is Taj Mahal.  Ask your students how smooth the marble was. 

India has been added to our passports and our next stop will take us to the 2nd largest country in the world. See you next week! 

Week 1 Review

Hello World Travelers,
This is our first post, we will go over the week and then at the end give some hints on where our travels will take us next! (Parents be sure to ask your kids about their new found information from each country, they will have lots to inform you about! Passports currently stay with us in the class.)

Week 1- We set sail for the United Kingdom. We learned while coloring, that their flag had the same 3 colors as Ours, Red, White and Blue. We learned about their money was called pounds and that a Queen (and Parliament) ruled their country. Our biggest journey in the United Kingdom was Stonehenge.

The children even made their very own (edible) Stonehenge. Before leaving the United Kingdom, we stamped our passports and prepared for our next adventure to the 2nd most populated country in the world!